I did sleep last night. And had nightmares. But, they were about everything in my life except the tenure decision.
Yesterday featured, and today will feature, truly soul-sucking meetings, the kind where I lose respect for people and for the college. Hours and hours of them. What message is the institution trying to send, exactly?
Annajane's been moved again. The weekend psychiatrist at the nursing home watched her in a state of "extreme agitation" for an hour, then sent her off to a psych hospital I'd never heard of, down in Metropolis. Websurfing revealed that it's in an awfully good neighborhood, is happy to take care of anorexics with religious dietary restrictions, and has a "geriatric psychiatric unit." The last is good news: it's expressly for people with dementia superimposed on a prexisting major psychiatric disorder. Even the guy on duty late on Saturday night said more cogent things about my mother's condition than I've yet heard.
I spoke with Annajane on Sunday afternoon. She could speak, actually. She wasn't sure what hospital she was in, or what county. But, she could put words together, and she managed some classic manicky racism and snobbery: "Oh, the nursing home was dreadful. They had _Mexican_ doctors." What about the last hospital? "Well, they didn't have _quality_ people there, you know.")
I'll try to talk with her new attending today. He's supposed to be back from his long weekend.
Meanwhile, I surged again. Entirely normal (for me) day 15, after another entirely normal (for me) 25 day cycle. My question, though: just how is the entirely normal (for me) accompanying acne in any way evolutionarily adaptive? What about the damn migraine? The two combined appear to form an effective species propagation prevention plan, really.
Best of luck to you!
Posted by: Invisible Adjunct | Tuesday, February 17, 2004 at 08:59 PM