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Tuesday, April 19, 2005





That's awesome... I hope it works out!

Karen F.

Oh, the WHAT IF I FUCK IT UP PART made me chuckle because it showed perfectionism rearing its ugly head. I'm in science, so usually I write journal articles based on our research, but I do write a review or a book chapter every other year or so. I have such a love/hate relationship with those articles. I'm so thrilled to be asked. It is an honor, and when I see a crappy review or book chapter I wonder why they didn't ask me for my opinion. But as soon as I am asked to write a review/book chapter my first thought is exactly that: WIIFIU! What if I forget to cite somebody? What if I'm the only one with my opinion and everyone else thinks it's crap? Ugh! Perfectionism. I gotta get over it some day.
a scientist from a prestigious sweatshop.



What Now?

Congrats--how fabulous!

Toronto Girl

Dude --

You won't fuck it up. But I recognize the thought. I have let those thoughts really eff me up along the wway so now I try to think of them as baseballs coming at me: i just bat them out of the park. It doesn't always work but it helps as an image.

Toronto Girl

Emma Jane

Thank you all!

I think my fear of fucking up is not so much fear of doing a bad job: once I start, the perfectionism will kick in, and Professor Cactus will not be shy about communicating changes that need to be made. It's fear of simply never getting anything done at all. I'm reeeeeeaaaaaaally good at not working.

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