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Tuesday, April 12, 2005



Oh, honey, I'm sorry. This kind of information must hurt as much as it helps.


On Tuesday, I finished reading this NYT article with twinges of anxiety and guilt, wondering if I had hastened my mother's death by allowing her to be treated with Risperdal. Perhaps I'm only rationalizing, but I think that worrying about anti-psychotics given to relieve dementia-racked patients is like worrying about morphine given to relieve pain-wracked patients. It may be that anti-psychotics and morphine speed the processes of dying, but the alternatives are too horrifying to ponder. I remain grateful, tardive dyskinesia notwithstanding, for the psychological relief, the lucid moments, and the calm that Risperdal provided my mother in her last months. I sure hope Emma Jane comes to feel the same way.


Man, I am sorry to hear/read this regarding your mother.

Seroquel Side Effects

My name is Kim Collar and i would like to show you my personal experience with Seroquel.

I am 40 years old. Have been on Seroquel for 9 months now. I would love to know how people sleep after having huge insomnia before seroquel as it is the most potent sleep inducer known to mankind.

I have experienced some of these side effects-
lack of motivation, extreme depression, headaches, hypotension, increased pulse, dizziness, weight gain, dry mouth, constipation, personality change, puffy gums, no interest in activities other than sleeping.

I hope this information will be useful to others,
Kim Collar

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