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Thursday, April 28, 2005



Well, I pray, so I've said a prayer for your sister-in-law and her baby and her eyes.

Good luck with the mildew and the toys, and enjoy the wedding. Are you wearing one of those spectacularly fun maternity dresses everyone dreams about?


Wow, that sounds awful, and it also sounds like you're not in much of a position to be of help. But if your sister-in-law has any sort of degenerative condition, at some point she's going to need to come to terms with alternative ways of reading and using email. They exist, and she really doesn't need to be cut off from the world by bad eyesight. Too often people are because they refuse to get the training necessary for using means that don't depend on vision.

Obviously during a pregnancy and during a medical crisis is no time for your sister-in-law to come to terms with alternative techniques. But help's available, and the National Federation of the Blind is a great starting resource.

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