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Thursday, April 07, 2005



I think that if we all remembered what it was like to be a tiny child we'd be so horrified at what we remember that we'd never reproduce. It's probably nature's way of perpetuating the species. :-)

Some of your colleagues probably think of your impending maternity leave as some sort of sabbatical, and they're unspeakably envious. :-) Others might not know whether you want congratulations or commiseration, or they might have been checking their e-mail on their PDAs when the announcement was made and missed it entirely.

Ever since the week of drive-by postings at Chez Mis I've been incredibly conscious of anything I say to mothers and mothers-to-be, and have started avoiding topics of children and pregnancy altogether unless I know the person pretty well. I doubt that everybody you work with was reading that thread, but just in general, it seems like it's become less common to remark on a co-worker's pregnancy.


I was just wondering how are things with your pregnancy? I am due 8/17/05. Will have ultrasound 4/20 hopefully will find out if it is a girl or boy. Do you know if your baby is a girl or boy yet? Thanks for taking the time to write in your blog. I check it everyday.


I don't know about your local airport, but ours (the small municupal airport, not the international) has a "Noise Abatement" person you can call to complain about the helicopters. I'm not sure if it really makes the noise stop, but at least it's something to do about it.


I find it a little sad that noone commented, not even something generic like "How exciting." Could this be similar to academic jealousy (wherein you can publish a book and not even have colleagues take the time to say something after the announcement)?


Academics are weird. Don't take it personally. Congratulations on your pregnancy!

Emma Jane

You know, I think the real issue is that everyone who would have felt comfortable writing, already knew... I did eventually get one "reply," from some one else who's about to negotiate a maternity leave. So at least I was able to help out a little there.

Turns out the helicopter was monitoring a huge house-destroying fire a little further down the hill. No one was hurt, thank goodness.

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