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Monday, April 11, 2005



Um, you mention, the night before the bleeding, that Beaker was drunk. Um, so it seems like maybe you were, um, partying? And um, um, um maybe you partied some more together, at home, without (or with, what the hell, let's not be small-minded) your friend?

Because that's why most people bleed brownish mucous with little bits of red in it. From cervical irritation. Brought on by, um, partying a deux, and by vaginal U/S. Pretty typical.

Even without the partying a deux, actually. Damn cervixes, they're tempermental.

P.S. It occurs to me that you'd have to appreciate my utter lack of embarrassment discussing sex with any and all people in any and all situations to get the humor of this post. In real life, I would just say, "so, did you have sex any time lately?" In a really loud voice, in front of several of your colleagues. I'm not a safe person to have around.

Emma Jane

Ah, if only there had been that simple an explanation. We were up late, I got up early, and I was pretty dehydrated by the time I got the the meeting (dumb pregnant lady cut back on fluids at breakfast so as not to make the carpool pull over halfway), but there had been no nookie. And, if anything, less exercise than usual in the past 36 hours -- none of my usual mile-and-a-half long walks. (Damn inconvenient bus system 'round here.)

(F., by the way, shares your, um, awareness of the polyamory, and I suspect I'll meet some interesting people at the wedding -- but neither of us has, um, practiced it.)


Well, it's probably still nothing. But I bet you're pretty pleased to have the next appointment all lined up anyway. Because I bled for two weeks (11-13) and it Completely Messed Me Up.

I ended up with a cerclage at 19 weeks, 4 days, and there was no warning whatsoever. Definitely no bleeding. What you describe sounds EXACTLY like cervical irritation, not cervical funneling or effacing, but still....I bet you're really pleased to have that next appointment coming up.

Yeah, 20 weeks! Yeah, good conference! (Forgot to throw those in earlier. Must have been the sex distracting me.)


re scaring people who are trying to get pregnant at 36. The problem is that everyone's own experience is so different. I started trying for the first time at 34, and had a daughter right after I was 35. I thought she was going to be the only one, but when she turned two (i.e. I'm 37), I though, huh, maybe we'll consider having another. We got pregnant a week after her second birthday. I guess people just have to know about all the stories.


PS: I'm so so happy for you. And, a little jealous of the evening you seemed to have had, catching up with all your friends!

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