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Monday, August 29, 2005



Constantly refreshing here. I hope all goes well for your SIL and that the next time we hear from you all will have gone well with you too.

Take good care of yourself!!!!


I just wanted to wish you all the best. I have mostly lurked on your site for the past year or so (I think I've made one or two comments, but that's it), and have rooted for you all along. I want to let you know that your blog has helped me as I have struggled to have a child (still no luck) and have an academic career (I'm pre-tenure). I think you are an amazing woman, a gifted writer, and an incisive and honest commentator, and I have felt privileged to share some small part of your world. Please take good care, and let us all know the good news that is soon to be yours!

Emma also Jane

Thinking of you, Emma Jane, and hoping that all goes well, and that you and Beaker are holding your lovely baby soon. Look after yourself.


Hope everything's going well, both for you and for your SIL.

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