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Wednesday, August 31, 2005


Karen F.

I'm so excited for you! My daughter was 18 days late, but worth the wait! Everything was fine and that was just her time to be born. Since I can't call you to tell you that bread and milk went on sale, I'll just keep refreshing my browser! Thinking of you often...
-Karen F.


This was my first year near campus without actually being involved with camppus things myself; I parked myself and the baby in the Starbucks at Target and watched the parent/freshman madness for awhile. It was so sweet in its own way - all the kids trying to seem so adult, and all the parents fending off anxiety by organizing dorm room supplies reconnaissance.
It won't be much longer now - get all the glorious sleep you can while you can! :)


Oh boy... I'll be hitting refresh often too!


Is your MIL going to help or hinder? I hope she can help you guys. Still predicting Saturday as the day.

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