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Tuesday, October 18, 2005



You can get Fage there? I don't know exactly where you are, but my impression was that it's somewhere smaller than Madison--so why can't I find Fage?!?!

Sally Bowles

Italian plums rock. And the feeding sessions will get shorter--at least that was our experience. Suddenly, around the 3 month mark, we seemed to have switched from 90-minute to 15-minute sessions. The sucking has become vastly more efficient, I guess. The change has been so liberating!

Emma Jane

How to find Fage in the middle of nowhere: first, find a reasonable-sized city not too far away. Then, find a specialty food shop that caters to the Greek community. I'm sure this place has been selling Fage since way before it was cool... (Bonus exercise: convince friends to actually make the trip for you. Works better when there's a newborn involved, of course.)

I got addicted in New York last year, where both ordinary supermarkets in the suburbs and every Korean corner store in every borough seemed to stock it. I'd kill to find this again, though. Chocolate ginger. Mmmmmmmmm.


That stuff looks devastating. Where have you seen it - Whole Paycheck?

I've done the forget ingredients purchased for something more times than I can count - always good to be able to blame one's offspring!

Academy Ma

I was with you until "Eat before baby wakes up." I never seem to be able to make it that far...

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