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Thursday, November 10, 2005



starting with 20 hours sounds good - you'll get some time but be able to ease into it. It's so hard to balance motherhood and career and my experience is that there are times when either role (and sometimes both!) get short shrift. I'm glad the daycare you wanted has a spot!

Karen F.

I agree. Starting off with 20 hours sounds like a good plan. That's what I did when I first started back to work, and then I slowly transitioned us up to full time. Of course I was also massively worried about bringing my daughter to "complete strangers", but it all worked out very well, and I learned a lot of "mothering" from my daughter's caregivers over the years.


Muffin Man started full-time at 10 weeks, so hard for me! I cried. He was fine. Loved it, in fact.

It's much harder on you than on her.

Oh, and I see you're reading Reginald Hill. I love him.


Sigh. An the academy loses another woman to a husband who won't care for his own child.


As I'm raising my own child (just a couple days younger than yours), I've learned to do whatever works in order to get my work (dissertation and grading) done and stay sane. Do what works for you and Tabby and don't worry about what's "normal" in your area. And here's hoping you don't have thrush. That stuff made nursing more painful than childbirth. . . Ouch!


Eldest started at about fourteen weeks -- twenty four blessed hours a week of care since we were both working full-time but on different schedules. It's a pity that Beaker's weekends are so consumed with the renovations -- I'm sure everyone'll be happy when he's done with that and can focus on other things.


One the happiest and most well-adjusted kids I know is the daughter of a mom that works full time AND is currently getting her master's. She went into fulltime daycare at SIX WEEKS.

I know it's not ideal, but this child is so happy and healthy and joyful--and perfectly bonded with her parents--that I think Tabby will be just fine at part-time at 20 weeks.

Good luck to you!


I meant part time at 14 weeks. Sorry.


ok, so it's taken me 4 days to get through all the archives. All I can say is wow! I soooo love a happy ending :-)

Congratulations to all of you.


MFA Mama

Ooooo! Me! I have too many degrees! Just found your site through The Naked Ovary and have been enjoying it hugely. I have a little boy Tabby's age, and am looking ahead to the Spring semester wistfully and with great trepidation.


Congratulations on your lovely baby!
I was able to have six weeks of paid leave and a little extra time for winter break before I had to start leaving my daughter at the child care center (an excellent place) full time, and go back to teaching. It wouldn't have been my first choice if I'd had other options, but I didn't (single parent by choice). I turned out to be just fine for her and for me. She was well cared for by people who were not sleep deprived, and I got to pee, eat, work, and even rest! I was able to walk over and nurse her during the day. Eleven years later she's a great well adjusted happy kid. All will be well!


Leaving Offspring at daycare was one the the hardest things I have ever had to do , even though I could drive the whole two miles from my office and nurse once a day. It got easier with time and I actually learned a lot about childcare from her teachers.

boxing octopus

my baby's been at an in-home daycare since he was 5 weeks old. the woman is basically a professional grandma and he's the only baby, so it's working out beautifully, but i can totally empathize with your situation. and it's been hard for me to keep up with my workload, too. i don't know how many more times i'll need to say, "i don't get much work done during the day, can you please take the baby so that i can grade this stack of papers before falling asleep on my feet? thanks."


I can't offer any insights on daycare just yet. (Although I'm really interested to hear your thoughts on it and on sharing home childcare with a partner, too.) Just wanted to say that I LOVED the sentence "Don't get all Boice on my ass!" Indeed I won't. But I might have to pirate the phrase for my own use now and again. :-)

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