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Monday, November 07, 2005



Oh we got that "Dependent was not covered by plan at the time of service" BS too. Grrr...so of course we had to go back to each and every provider and have the resubmit the claim. And you know that the hospital, pediatrician, anasthesiologist, neonatalogist, and whomever else poked their head in the room all submit their own bills. Good luck with that. Four months into it, we are still sorting it out.


Insurance companies obviously plan their entire fiscal existence on saying no to everything and hoping you'll just give in and pay rather than fight. charming.

Your cabinet maker doesn't sound like he should be let loose with power tools! lol

jeremy hunsinger

umm, never paint nice wood. that is just a rule of life. if you want to paint something, have it made of ugly cheap wood.

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