The deed to my great-grandmother's grave (which is in Ohindinois, but several hours away).
Trimmings from my first haircut (Miss T.'s hair is a bit darker, but not much).
A certificate sent by a neighbor after my grandfather's death, declaring his eternal membership in the Silesian Purgatory Society.
Two credit cards, with activation stickers intact (one of them from the scumsuckers at Capital One).
The big-print lists I'd made for my mother after she first got out of the hospital after the bad '97 crackup, telling her when her all her appointments were and why she needed to go to them.
A six-inch-high stack of those address labels that charities send you.
A gift-wrapped dog coat, never opened, meant for my mother's dog (the one we had to send off to "rescue" in 1997).
Two small plastic vials of holy water, sent by charities.
A candle from my baptism (which happened in Pennsylvania, for complicated reasons, and when I was already about 6 months old).
A thank-you letter from the Heritage Foundation.
Five years of payment coupons for her Medigap insurance, apparently not sent in.
Five small planner calendars, and two full-size ones, sent by charities.
The deed to my mother's dog's grave (the one that died in 1995).