Has it really been 33 days? I'd say I'm sorry, but, um, I was awfully busy. Semester screeching to a halt (with extra disciplinary hearings—I got to be accuser and arbiter, at different times of course, but never, thank goodness, the accused). Miss T. adjusting to the Toddler Room—anyone want to guess the first new word she learned from hanging out with a bunch of nearly-three-year-olds? Negotiating summer travel plans with collaborators, spouses, bosses, relatives, friends, and of course the child. Et cetera.
I've been reading more than I should, though. Check out the lovely takedowns of The Dangerous Book for Boys and its mommyblog proponents (oh Moxie! You too?) by Jody and Phantom Scribbler and by Jody again. Wheeeeee!
I feel guilty that I am linking favorably to posts by people who I think haven't read the book, and negatively to someone who has. But: I don't think anyone is saying that they think certain types of "old-fashioned" games are bad, or that the "technical" content of the book is inappropriate. It's all about the box it came packaged in. Can boys only become boys by excluding girls? Is excluding girls all that boys really want to do? Do adults playing in to such assumptions end up making them true?
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