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Monday, August 20, 2007



I think it's got something to do with exposure to the clinic - it gives you perimenopausal symptoms all by itself. Every nonmedicated cycle I've had since I darkened the RE's door has been short.

Do you do BBT, or just OPKs? Another thing that's happened since I started at the clinic is that I ovulate in response to an LH surge that is not big enough for a positive readout on the OPK. But my temperature rise is still pretty clear.

Good luck!


Ah, the JOYS of plunging back into this whole thing.

I have no idea about the perimenopausal thing but I'd go with occams razor and assume it's just post-weaning funkiness, combined with past history, myself.

No need to bleed your brain borrowing trouble, right?


Good luck. I so want this to work for you.


Good luck with Cornell.

In my 20s, my cycle was 25 days, like clockwork (until antidepressants made it go all irregular). It was discouraging to think of all the extra cycles I was having over the long term. I wasn't trying to breed then, though, so I never checked ovulation.

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