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Wednesday, September 26, 2007



We've had good luck finding the sort of dresses you describe at Burlington Coat Factory's Baby Depot for $15 or so--I just checked a label, and it's made by "Good Lad of Philadelphia", which doesn't appear to have a website.

Are Miss T's caregivers Black? The hairstyle you're describing sounds like the way I see the little Black toddlers hair done...

Will she take hairbands from you?

Emma Jane

Hairbands (headbands?) just slip off her head, unfortunately. (You'd think the hair pointing forward would offer increased friction, but no.)

The staff at Box-o-Tots is racially diverse, as are the kids. A spy (i.e., a part-timer there who also babysits for us) reports that one African-American teacher does pull the ponytails extra tight -- still just two, though -- and that she's seen the hairspray in with the sunscreen and wipes in Miss T.'s room...


Hairspray on a little girl T's age does seem weird. Can you request no hairspray? Tell them that it makes it harder to brush her hair at night.

Dorothy frequently comes home with her hair redone more competently than Tom and I can manage. I figure her teachers like to play with her hair (and at least one has admitted it). Recently she's been sitting still long enough to get French braids - would that work for Miss T. if you hype it a bit? Or is that totally hopeless if you can't even get her to sit still for ponytails?

When Dorothy was about Miss T.'s age, I picked her up and made an "oof" sound, and she said, "I getting so big!" I agreed (she'd heard that from me practically every time I picked her up). She then said in a very serious and thoughtful voice, "I growing up." It was like a stab to the heart. She can't grow up! I'm not done with her being a toddler yet! But she was right.



Even though my 4 month old daughter has no appreciable hair, I already worry about having to "do" it when she does....my own hair is always a disaster.

I think this place has nice, reasonable clothes for girls: http://themagicwardrobe.com

Emma Jane

Ooooh, yes, The Magic Wardrobe does have some dresses that are just what I was looking for. Thanks for the link.


Baby Ho is sold out! How sad is that?


Our Box of Tots does the same thing with our daughter's hair. It is really odd.

Toddler Dress

My 3-year old girl keeps her hair messy because she doesn't like the way I make her hair. Since she joined kindergarten she always come one with her hair neatly redone. I guess her teachers or her kindergarten friends love to play with each others hair because of which she has her hair done.

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