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Saturday, April 15, 2017



So I just sat down over the last few days and read your blog like a book; you have a lovely writing style.

I can see how you'd have conflicting emotions given the 'black box' that was your knowledge of your biological father, and wondering what AnnaJane would have thought of what you know about William, etc. I also hear a shadow of fear as it relates to your girls, given that they have your and Beaker's DNA- bipolar and schizophrenia together is a lot, but you dodged those bullets, so hopefully they will too.

I am glad to hear that the girls are doing well; they grow so fast, don't they?

I am so sorry to hear that Beaker had a bad health scare in 2014, but am glad that things are better now-- there's always been a bit of a slight shadow over the blog of your fears that you'll lose him and have to raise the girls on your own; something that seems to be pretty scary given your experience with AnnaJane in your childhood.

Do you think that you'll interact with Linda more now that you are relatively certain that she is your aunt?

Also, do you ever hear from Marina now that she's divorced from Tony? Did her daughter finish college successfully?

Thank you for a beautifully written blog that captures so well life in academia, life in infertility-land and life with a family that doesn't really look like Leave it to Beaver.


Whoa, no wonder you've been torn up. I actually got a tear in my eye reading this, thinking how strong you've needed to be to process something so heavy.

happy to hear beaker is well, now. (and your kids too, but relieved to hear r.e. beaker).

Thank you for sharing, all these years. It's been a privilege and an honor to read, and helped me feel less alone, in ivf, in academia, in this world.

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